
Elite Rocko Carbon Bottle Cage | Matt Black - Black

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Product Code: 0174001
Brand: Elite
Elite Rocko Carbon Bottle Cage | Matt Black - Black Elite Rocko Carbon Bottle Cage | Matt Black - White Elite Rocko Carbon Bottle Cage | Matt Black - Red Elite Rocko Carbon Bottle Cage | Glossy Black - White Elite Rocko Carbon Bottle Cage | Matt Black - Green
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Elite Rocko Carbon Bottle Cage | Matt Black - Black

Rocko Carbon is an ultra-light and resistant injection carbon fiber bottle cage with high retention capabilities, the ideal instrument to perfectly manage the bottle especially on a mountain bike and under extreme training or competition conditions, such as rocky downhills and freerides.

Very resistant and practical, Rocko Carbon's greatest strength and distinctive feature is its front and side insertion. This makes it compatible with all frames and especially on bicycles with smaller or sloping frames.

Great retention capabilities

Rocko Carbon ensures great bottle retention under any circumstance, even the most difficult ones. 

Despite the ease of inserting the bottle from the side, another key point of the bottle cage is its ergonomic structure, designed to envelop the bottle also on its upper section, thus ensuring a tight grip even on the roughest terrains. 

The reinforced carbon fiber structure ensures great stability, control and absorption of shocks, vibrations and impacts with the terrain. 

A practical lateral insertion

Rocko Carbon expands the range of Elite bottle cages designed to offer maximum ease-of-use while cycling via a practical side insertion system. 
Thanks to its front/side-entry structure, the bottle cage always makes it easy to insert and remove the bottle, ensuring great handling while cycling on rough terrains. 

The side insertion design also makes it easier to insert the bottle on bikes with smaller or reduced frames, thus turning the Rocko Carbon into the ideal bottle cage to easily train and compete on fantastic mountain bike courses. 

A universal aesthetic finish

The simple and clean design of Rocko Carbon is available in 7 different color variants, 3 of which are introduced this year: mat Gold, mat Green and mat Blue.

The goal is to turn the bottle cage into an aesthetically pleasing item, ideal for any bike and cycling style, not just a practical and efficient instrument under any circumstance.


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Differences can arise for various reasons, including but not limited to, changes made by the manufacturer in the design, composition or colors of the products, as well as due to the settings of different monitors, which can change the color or appearance of the items.

Therefore, we encourage customers to consider this information before making a purchase decision, and if there are any questions regarding the specifications or appearance of a product, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service department for further information or clarification.

4 reviews

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Jonas V.

Jonas V. Approved buyer
Atitiko lukesčius
Ernestas V.

Ernestas V. Approved buyer
Puikus laikiklis, patvarus ir dizainas gražus
Egidijus K.

Egidijus K. Approved buyer
Labai tvirtai laiko gertuvę važiuojant bekele
Andrej G.

Andrej G. Approved buyer
Puikus laikiklis, gerai laiko gertuvę, anglies pluoštas laikikliui suteikia tvirtumo ir standumo, laikiklis nesilanksto taip, kaip tai daro plastiko pagrindu pagaminti laikikliai, todėl gertuvė saugiai laikosi savo vietoje, turiu Elite Cannibal XC versiją, kuri irgi gan gera, bet gertuvė ten nesijaučia taip saugiai, nors ir nėr taip, kad gertuvė būtų iškritusi, bet jeigu važinėti per kliutis ir kažkaip ekstremaliau, tai gertuvė būtų pamesta, todėl kažkokiems labiau ekstremaliems pasivažinėjimams su kliutimis ir kratymais rekomenduočiau būtent šią Rocko Carbon versiją.

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