
What is the Retül test? How to get the most out of cycling?

What is the Retül test? How to get the most out of cycling?
2022-11-24 Gediminas Kaupas

Sometimes people complain of discomfort while cycling or experience side effects like wrist or joint pain after riding. Why does this happen? Even the best and most expensive bikes are assembled according to standard manufacturer specifications, but people vary in their body proportions, posture, flexibility, and more.

The Retül test uses digital technology to help a bike fitting specialist adapt the bike to your body and needs. Special sensors measure your movements with millimeter precision, allowing for adjustments that ensure your body and bike work together harmoniously, avoiding injury and discomfort.

What is the Retül Test?

The Retül test is a procedure that helps cyclists find the optimal posture and muscle and joint load when riding. It goes beyond simply fitting the bike to individual anatomy; it helps cyclists better understand their bodies, avoid injuries and pain, and achieve better performance.

The Retül test evaluates unique aspects of each person’s anatomy and physiology – body proportions, flexibility, range of motion, asymmetry between the left and right sides, and more. Various factors, like foot arch height, sit bone width, and shoulder width, affect riding efficiency and body load. Additionally, posture and movement habits influence riding; some people’s knees bend more inward or outward, others have a dominant side, affecting how they pedal and sit on the saddle. Some movement habits develop due to past injuries or work-related postures.

During the Retül test, data on anatomy, posture, and movement habits are collected and analyzed to determine the optimal riding position – adjusting the saddle position, height, distance from the handlebars, handlebar height, handlebar distance, and handlebar angle. The cyclist is also advised on how to adjust their posture for maximum efficiency and comfort while riding.

How is the Retül Test Conducted?

First, the cyclist is asked questions about their health, physical condition, past injuries, lifestyle, riding habits, goals, and more.

The Retül test focuses on body parts that directly contact the bike – the sit bones and feet. This involves digital analysis of the feet and sit bones.

The digital foot device assesses the support points and arch height of the feet with maximum precision, using thousands of pressure points to scan the readings of the left and right feet. Based on this, special cycling insoles are selected to stabilize the feet, distribute weight properly, and optimize riding results.

The digital sit bone device helps select the ideal bike saddle by using pressure mapping technology and 768 sensors to measure sit bone width with millimeter precision. Based on these and other data, the perfect saddle for your riding needs is chosen.

After these procedures, the cyclist mounts their bike, and LED markers are attached to eight anatomical points (wrists, elbows, shoulders, thighs, calves, feet, waist, back). While the person pedals, the Retül Vantage Motion Capture system visualizes the cyclist’s biomechanical movement in real-time, helping the specialist balance the riding position.

Finally, the Retül Zin program creates a digital bike position map, and the test data and map are generated into a special report for future reference.

Benefits of the Retül Test

Physiotherapists know well that the more frequently and regularly an action is performed, the more important it is to do it correctly. If a movement is repeated often, even a millimeter inaccuracy can cause damage in the long run, such as overstraining tendons or harming joints. The Retül test can help prevent such long-term injuries. This is relevant for everyone, especially those with past physical injuries or minor health issues. More on chronic cycling injuries can be found here.

The Retül test also helps prevent side effects of cycling like back, shoulder, neck, and wrist pain, reduces the likelihood of injuries, and makes riding more comfortable both physically and emotionally. With no pain or discomfort, the cyclist can focus on riding. The test also helps achieve better results by ensuring your energy is used efficiently to develop speed and overcome resistance.

We offer a wide range of bikes: mountain, gravel, road, hybrid, electric, triathlon, and children's bikes. Choose, take the Retül test, and join the cycling community enjoying this fantastic activity.

Where to Take the Retül Test?

You can take the Retül test at the Velonova bike shop.

Address: J. Baltrušaičio g. 1, Vilnius

Phone: +370 683 81390


Register for a bike fitting here.

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