
Details on bicycle maintenance

Bike servicing in autumn - all the advantages!


As the weather gets colder and the winter season approaches, it's important to make sure your bike is well maintained. Whether you are a weather-averse, enthusiastic cyclist or only ride in the warmer months, proper servicing and storage of your bike during this period are crucial aspects for its lo..

Proper bicycle storage - how important is it?


To ensure the longevity and functionality of your bicycle, it is important to make sure it is stored in the right conditions during winter. Improper storage during the winter months can lead to a variety of problems, including rusting, corrosion and other damage or failure. The importance of proper ..

Bike maintenance in winter - what do you need to know?


Nowadays, cycling is becoming more and more popular, and every year more and more people decide to keep cycling even in winter. The reason is simple: every year, technology improves, new safety features are introduced that make it safer even on winter roads - and the most important thing, of course,..

What do you need to know about bicycle maintenance?


A bicycle, like a car, requires maintenance, especially as a good, quality bicycle, tailored specifically to you and your needs, is a significant investment. What do I need to pay attention to in order to make sure my bike lasts as long as possible? Basically the same things that you need to pay att..